"Reliquary Base Of Saint Amandi And Bust – Early 18th Century"
At the heart of our large wooden base, richly carved and gilded, a large crowned medallion welcomes a notable relic of Saint Amandi. The relic consists of a large bagged fragment of the occiput. It is surrounded by golden canets decorated with pearls with a wide orfroi band. Probably a relic of Saint Amand of Elnone, Bishop of Maastricht (died around 676)
Northern Italy around 1700
Dimensions of 46 by 34 cm in height and 21 cm in depth Excellent condition
A wooden bishop's bust 62 cm high on 31 cm wide was reported in perfect consistency with the nature of the relic.
Ancient xylophages. Total dimensions of the base and bust 96 cm high by 31 cm wide.