"Brick Game 1900 Anker"
Unbelievable how time passes, barely had I slid the lid when memories assailed me, I saw myself kneeling on the carpet again, busy attempting the highest imaginary construction there is. I was too spontaneous to confine myself to the models presented in the box... but the smartest thing was to refer to the instructions, otherwise the wooden box would never have been able to close. It was my grandfather who lent it to me… Anker construction game No. 13 Richter & Cie. Rudolstadt, around 1900, marked and designated, original wooden box reinforced at the corners, filled with numerous mineral bricks in beige, red and blue. A color lithographed page attached to the front and the back of the cover, also the storage instructions in case you lose the loose leaflet which accompanies three model booklets also in color. I felt dizzy while consulting other sites.....2300 on fisrt and pamono which displays it at 2500 euros So this box, complete, in magnificent condition, is waiting for you to also build your memories...