"Judah Meets Tamar, Oil On Canvas. "
Michele Cammarano (1835-1920); Judah meets Tamar, oil on canvas. In this hour the biblical episode of Genesis 38 is represented, in which Judah meets his daughter-in-law Tamar dressed as a prostitute. Tamar was given in marriage to the 2 sons of Judah, who however died due to their disobedience to the Lord; so she was promised in marriage to her youngest son Sela, still too young to marry. Tamar deceived herself with Judah in Timnah, and gave birth to twins. Cammarano uses his own pictorial style, centered on naturalism, to best express the actual reality of the episode represented, starting from the simple but clear colors, up to the distinct clothing that determines the roles of the two characters. H 280 cm x L 192 cm