Signature under the base "Méténier" for Gilbert Méténier (1876-1957).
Period around 1920.
Dimensions: H 21 x L 11.5, diameter 12 and 10 cm
Gilbert Méténier (1876-1957)
Son of Louis Méténier (1844-1922), Gilbert Méténier took over his father's business in 1920, in Gannat in Allier (France). He produced ceramic pieces of art there and ensured the reputation of Méténier art stoneware with its flamed stoneware with iridescent and metallic reflections.
The activity stopped in 1940, when Gilbert Méténier destroyed all the molds of his creations “so that they did not fall into the hands of the occupiers”. He then went to live in Saint-Raphaël.
The Méténier sandstones, sometimes called "Gannat blues", are all the more sought after because they are all authentic pieces since the molds and matrices were destroyed. It is not technically possible to make copies of the pieces created by this factory between 1920 and 1939.
This magnificent pitcher, or vase, covered with very beautiful enamel in blue and green tones on its upper part, is representative of this which we call the “bleu de Gannat”, in homage to Gilbert Méténier and his astonishing know-how.