"Bessie Nakamarra Sims (1932-2012) Aboriginal Artist - Entitled "the Brush-tailed Possum""
This painting, titled "Brush-tailed Possum Dreaming", measures 30 x 30 cm. The “Kirda” or guardians of the janganpa Jukurrpa (the brush-tailed possum) are the Japaljarri/Jungarrayi men and the Napaljarri/Nungarrayi women. The men of Jupurrurla/Jakamarra and the women of Nupurrurla/Nakamarra are the “Kurdungurlu” (ceremonial police) of this knowledge. “Janganpa” are nocturnal animals that often nest in the hollows of white gum trees (“Wapunungka”). A common 'Janganpa' story is that of a 'Janganpa' ancestor who traveled through the lands of the Waripiri to visit various sites during the Jukurrpa (dreamtime) period, including a site called jangankurlangu, which literally means "belonging to the opossum.” The “Janganpa” men carry their hunting weapons when they move around the country, dressed in “Majardi” (skirt with hair cords). “Janganpa” were once common in much of Warlpiri country and neighboring countries, but have disappeared in recent years. This extinction is thought to be due to predation by wild cats and changes to their habitat caused by the introduction of livestock and other wildlife. “Janganpa” is considered a good meat for the “Yapa” (Warlpiri people). In traditional Warlpiri iconography, wavy lines and "E" shapes are used to represent the traces left by the "Janganpa" during its travels.