"Dignitary Head With Deformed Skull - Tomaco La Tolita Culture - Pre-columbian Archeology"
Superb head representing the portrait of a young lord with cranial deformation indicating his important rank. Serene face. Light terracotta. A hole in the skull (old). Very difficult to date, Tumaco La Tolita culture between 500 before and 500 after our era 7.5cm high 6cm wide 10.5cm high with the base Provenance: same Tarn collection (south of France) as the other pieces of archeology that we are presenting to you for sale in recent days. The Tumaco-La Tolita culture spread to the coastal region on the border of Colombia and Ecuador. Their religion was polytheistic and animist. Religious practice was led by shaman lords or priests (one of whom we have a beautiful portrait of here). A cult was devoted to deities from wildlife and nature, such as the jaguar, the eagle, the alligator, rain, wind, earth and many others.