"Singular Art Oil On Cardboard "
oil on cardboard singular art circa 1970 1980 Collection andrée Appercelle Grenoble. Madame Appercelle rubbed shoulders with the great artists of the 20th century such as Ossip Zadkine. Painting exhibited at the 7th poetry fair in Grenoble. Bears inventory number 55. Andrée Appercelle was born in Grenoble where she lives. From 1964 to 1981, she was producer of literary programs on France Culture and FR3, and from 1973 to 1981 of five short films for ORTF, including Le Facteur Mougin et son bestiaire. She is the author of two dramas, Fêlures and Décalage, for France-Culture and Suisse-Romande, she received an author's grant from the ORTF. She participated in numerous anthologies of French, Hungarian, American and Portuguese poetry, in 1983 in the work La Poésie contre le racism, and hosted in Grenoble, from 1957 to 1968, the “Walls of Poetry”, extending those of Paris created by the great Brazilian painter and poet Vincent Monteiro in 1951. She collaborated on artist and bibliophile books and published in several magazines.