About the iconography: Of the approximately twelve thousand saints of the Orthodox Church, Saint Nicholas is the most frequently depicted. He was a particular healer of the sick. The saint was never missed by any Orthodox family. He is also the patron saint of sailors, merchants and farmers. The Orthodox Church celebrates his birthday on December 6 and May 9, the date on which his remains were transported to Bari.
Description: The saint is depicted as a bishop. His right hand is raised in blessing, in his left he holds an open Gospel book on which the beginning of the Gospel of Saint Nicholas is written in Church Slavonic.
"At that time Jesus gathered a great multitude from all Judea..."
Christ and the Mother of God are depicted in the round halos on the right and left, taken from the legend of Arius.
At the top the titulus: "Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker"
Attribution: The presented icon, executed in so-called egg tempera painting, comes from the hand of an iconographer from South Russia from around 1840 - 60 century. The painting is in good condition, colored atmospheres on the border and halo, vertical crack.
A quality house icon!