The legend of the origin of this icon can be found in the writings of a Metropolitan of Rostov as follows:
A sinner had the habit of praying to an icon of the Mother of God every day. When he was about to commit a sin, he saw the wounds on the body of the baby Jesus.
He asked: "Who did this?"
The Mother of God replied:
"You and other sinners, you are crucifying my son again with your sins."
The sinner prayed to the Mother of God and asked for forgiveness, which she asked her son for him.
From then on, the sinner became a righteous man, which meant an unexpected joy for him.
No icons of this subject can be found before the 19th century. They were distributed in various places, especially as pilgrimage images, and were frequently depicted until 1917.
On the icon presented, the sinner is kneeling in the left part of the picture.
The Mother of God with the baby Jesus is shown separately on the right.
The icon presented is by the hand of a central Russian iconographer from the period around 1840-60.
Original condition.
A collector's icon!