"Kwannon In Golden Lacquered Wood. Japan Early Edo Period Or Earlier. "
The deity is presented standing with his hands together in a position of prayer. It is carved from a solid piece of wood, lacquered black and gilded with gold leaf. The crown and the jewels are made of cut and embossed copper, there are traces of mercury gilding in inaccessible places. Glass paste beads hang from the crown. The eyes are made of rock crystal, mica or glass. It is difficult to date these Japanese sculptures because the styles have hardly evolved over the centuries. For this Kwannon the general appearance would allow us to date it from the beginning of the Edo period, i.e. the 17th century, but it could also be from the Muromachi period, in fact, its relative rusticity and simplicity set it apart from the richly produced Kwannon. adorned and ostensibly gilded from the sumptuous Edo period and suggest that it was created during the period of the Muromachi or Nambokucho war periods. Height: 865mm