"In Folio With Clasp In Lyon 1641: "the Works Of Ambroise Paré", Advisor 1st Surgeon To The King"
Rare and astonishing book with its illustrations, this Famous Treatise on Medicine by Ambroise Paré, First Surgeon to the King and the tenth edition, in a binding with clasps, printed in Lyon by Claude Prost, rue Mercière, on occasion in 1641. Edition revised and corrected in several places & augmented by a very ample treatise on fevers, both in general and in particular, & the cure of them, newly found in the Author's Manuscripts. With Portraits and Figures, both Anatomy and Surgical Instruments, & several Monsters......(a keen interest in the representation of these) exemplary in use but which retains all its mystery, lacks the page 241/42 and pagination errors, some defects for this book which remains a Masterpiece... A rare and very singular curiosity