"5 Magnificent Vol. In 12 In Paris 1727: "the State Of France""
"The State of France" in 5 Volumes in 12, full glazed calf, spine with ribs decorated with gilded iron in the boxes, titles and volume numbers in brown morocco, marbled guards, red edges; Printed in Paris, at Claude Prud'homme, Grande Salle du Palais, at the Bonne-Foy Couronnée. 1727. Containing the Princes, the Clergy, the Dukes & Peers, the Marshals of France, & the Grand Officers of the Crown & of the House of the King; the Knights of the Orders; the Army Officers, both on Land and at Sea; the Councils, the Governors of the Provinces; all the Superior Courts of the Kingdom; the Generalities & Intendances; the Universities & Academies