"Violin-shaped Ceremonial Table In Blackened Pearwood, Boulle Style, Napoleon III Period – Mid-19th Century"
"Violin-shaped ceremonial table in blackened pearwood, Boulle style, Napoleon III period - Mid-19th century" Violin-shaped ceremonial table in blackened pearwood, fully marquetry in the Boulle style, named after André-Charles BOULLE, master cabinetmaker to King Louis XIV. The top has a marquetry of scrolls, foliage and flowers in finely chiseled brass, on a background of tortoiseshell, highlighted by a bronze rod around the edge. The curved belt, following the lines of the top, opens on the front with a large drawer equipped with a functional original lock with key. This drawer is surrounded by a bronze rod and has in its center a large entrance with the effigy of the Sun King. The sides of this table are a reminder of the facade with similar sculptures and marquetry surrounded by shaped rods. The whole rests on four curved legs.