From a collection of old cutlery and locksmithing in Nice, here is a striking block,
Large die for emboss from cast bronze with 50 half-spheres, 19th century, signed by Gillot in Langres, bearing a hand-engraved number.
On this pile, massive, held to the workbench by a central square, we used bouterolles, steel or boxwood rods ending in a ball, to stamp a metal plate, and give it a convex shape.
Used condition, wear and scars, small chips. See our precise photos.
Dimensions: 8 cm cube, weight: 3.4 kg!
This item is for immediate purchase, payable by credit card or paypal.
- eclectic - antique dealers since 1970, Siret: FR 24.430113233. Invoice and Certificate are attached to each of our shipments.