France, in an atelier that made mirrors of various models, in fact, an old label is attached to the back where it reads
the provenance of the antique mirror. Art Deco, Art Nouveau.
The mirror has a cymatium richly decorated with scrolls and engraved floral decorations, and the mirrors are also beveled.
The central mirror is bevelled and is surrounded by many side mirrors engraved with flowers and leaves, which makes this
mirror elegant and precious. This mirror has some imperfections, oxidation stains on the glass, caused by time and wear.
The early 20th century, Art Deco mirror is in excellent condition. The mirror and back are original, authentic and coeval.
We can note that the mirror and the back are authentic and original and that the mirror is old.
Size: 119 x 69 cm | Depth: 4 cm | Weight: 15,3 Kg