"Unique Creation From The Firm Of Baccarat Around 1900."
No need to embark on endless research on the Internet, it will be in vain. My first request to the Baccarat Customer Service was unsuccessful and was forwarded to the Heritage Service. Here is an extract from the response sent by email: "Hello, We have not found any trace of this service in our archives, but we do find shapes very similar to these pieces between 1890 and 1910. This is therefore very likely the period in which this service was created." Following receipt of this email, a long telephone conversation with the service confirmed its uniqueness, the fact that it had not been given a name and that it must have been a special order. The first photo is a nod to the Baccarat logo. You will find 22 pieces: 2 carafes, 6 large glasses, 7 Champagne glasses, 5 medium glasses for cooked wine or Pineau, Porto and 2 small glasses perfect for alcohol or cherries... Rarely at Baccarat, all the pieces of very fine cristal are amber and iridescent. The edges of the glasses and carafes are hand-combed with fine gold. Several pieces bear the famous Baccarat paper label prior to the engraving. There is no doubt that this set of museum interest will appeal to a demanding collector or a lover of precious tables.