"Singing Bird By Bruguier (geneva)"
Rectangular gilt silver case with rounded corners. The oval lid is decorated on the outside with an enamel painting of a mountain view and on the inside with a shiny enamel depicting bouquets of flowers on a turquoise background. When activated, the lid opens to reveal the feathered automaton bird that sings and dances. It turns its head, flaps its wings and tail, and opens its beak while singing a joyful song. The top, sides, and base are decorated with guilloche decoration and a scroll. In addition, the top of the case is decorated with a magnificent "champ-lever" technique (with different enamel colors). At the end of the song, a small songbird with turquoise feathers hides in the opening of an engraved and pierced oval grid. It is a fusée movement inscribed "Jacques Bruguier" and has 8 cam discs (4 sets of 2). The 4th set of cams is very similar to Jacquet Dros's Birdsong. The song sequence is 1-1-2-2-3-3-4 Serial number 307
Winding key included