"Porcelain Statuette "blanc De Chine" Of The Goddess Guanyin - Dehua Porcelain - 19th"
Very pretty and large statuette in white enameled porcelain called "white of China", representing the goddess Guanyin seated in lalitasana (royal relaxation) on a rock near a jade vase, the left foot resting on a lotus. She holds a ruyi scepter and is accompanied by a child. Her dress half-open at the neckline reveals a rich necklace. The work of the porcelain is very fine and delicate. The goddess is wonderfully represented. The finesse of the features of her face gives her an air of serenity and benevolence. The finesse and precision of the work of the drapery and the windings give an impression of movement to the statue. China - 19th - Qing Period Guanyin is the bodhisattva associated with compassion in East Asian Buddhism. The name Guanyin is an abbreviated form of Guanshiyin, "who considers the sounds of the world". Initially a male figure, as in India, Guanyin became a female character in China and East Asia, something very rare in Buddhism. The name Guanyin is the Chinese translation of Avalokitasvara, which literally means "Observer (avalokita) of voices (svara)". This name refers to the limitless compassion of the bodhisattva Avalokitasvara which leads him to observe the cries of suffering beings, with the aim of coming to relieve them of their pain.