Bartolomeo Schedoni's workshop (Modena1579-Parma1615)
Emilia i ^ half of the 17th century
Oil painting on canvas
Canvas size 69 x 55 frame 80 x 65
Very good condition
Professionally cleaned and relined.
This beautiful 17th century Emilian canvas is undoubtedly one of the most interesting compositions among the representations of Motherhood and captures the moment when the Virgin tenderly pulls away the veil to show her Child.
The scene has been described by numerous masters of Italian painting and we often find it also in the "Nativity" or in the "Adoration of the Child".
The Virgin who discovers her Divine Creature creates emotion in the viewer that thanks to that gesture she can admire the child as a concession made by her Mother.
The painting reveals an excellent setting with a remarkable plastic rendering and a perfect stylistic and chromatic combination between the Virgin and Child.
The dark background brings out her complexion and the solemn position of the Virgin with her gaze towards her Son brings out the beautiful movement of the whole naked body.
The arm extended towards the face of the Mother unites the two figures.
The work presents the characters of the most beautiful Emilian production of the seventeenth century and is to be referred to the famous workshop of Bartolomeo Schedoni, who distinguished himself for the creation of different variants depicting this theme. Schedoni's refined stylistic technique is clearly evident both in the face of the Virgin and in the face of the Child.
The canvas is in excellent condition and the remarkable pictorial qualities of the work can be perfectly read.