"Precious Set Of 4 Office Pieces Two Candle Holders, Empty Pocket, Pen Holder. Enameled Copper"
This precious and beautiful set of polished yellow copper desk tops and with enameled copper in cups, like agate slices is remarkable, unique and with a strong decorative power to decorate a writing table top. Presenting identically four bases in cups decorated with enamels imitating the veins of a fine stone cut and polished, this pair of candlesticks with fine pearls and beautiful bronze bobêches on a cup surmounted on a pedestal in embossed and polished copper, of a dark color with concentric pale blue veins, of the same pattern as the pocket and the pen holder, made in a beautiful enamel of a red copper baked in the oven, a beautiful neat work and pleasing to the eye. A beautiful refined decoration all in elegance of an uncommon and absolute chic. Pieces in perfect condition from the beginning of the 20th century and very pretty