"Fireplace Plate Fable By La Fontaine "the Fox And The Stork" (81x81 Cm)"
Fireplace plate illustrating La Fontaine's fable "the fox and the stork" written in 1668, cast in the 18th century, in the Regency style and of very fine workmanship, in perfect condition. Note the plate at the foot of the vase with the long neck in this scene where the stork invites the fox to dinner. A frame with corners in spandrels, topped with a set of conches, is covered with vines; in support a set of volutes adorned with acanthus leaves room for gadrooned reserves. Two bouquets of flowers complete the picture. Its weight is 91 kg. This plate comes from a private collection in Chanitoise (Champlette, Haute-Saône). You can visit our website: www.claudeaugustin.com