Signed: G.Omerth
Subject: Pierrot
Dimensions: height: 23 cm, width: 8 cm, depth: 8 cm.
Georges OMERTH ? / 1925
Active from 1895 until his death in 1925. We know practically nothing about this sculptor, not even his nationality, but his bronzes – many of them children's statuettes – appear in fairly large numbers on the market.
They are very often accompanied by ivory parts and visibly date from the early years of the 20th century. However, the subjects are always full of charm and good quality.
He was a student of Carrier-Belleuse and exhibited at the Salon des Artistes français. We have a large quantity of his figures, statuettes of children, men and women, in classical, Jugendstyl and Art Deco style, most of them for the art publisher and founder Edmond Etling. He used bronze, ivory, onyx, zinc and porcelain.
He turned to animal sculpture out of a passion for animals.
They all interested him but he had a particular affection for horses which he highlighted in compositions of beautiful artistic quality: Group of horses, Rider and rider, The croquet game, etc.
Source Bénézit
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