"Round Seville Glazed Earthenware Dish With Leaf Decor, Second Quarter Of The 16th Century"
Round Seville earthenware dish with gilded metallic lustre decoration (chamois) on the rim of six leaves in slight relief with three lobes and six radiating lanceolate leaves delimiting compartments decorated alternately with rosettes and "points and tight lines" (solfa). Around the barely marked navel, decoration of a floral motif or leaf with an S-shaped stem, a pseudo-epigraphic band. On the reverse, a large spiral of lustre. Second quarter of the 16th century. D. 33.5 cm, visible enamel losses cf, For lustre dishes from Seville, Xavier Déodat, "Historical ceramics, 12th-18th century", exhibition catalogue, Musée National du Moyen-Age-Thermes et Hôtel de Cluny, p 138 to 142, RMN 2007