Reclining female figure in bronze, called "Nymphe à la Coquille", after an Antique kept at the Louvre Museum.
Italy, first third of the 18th century.
Later fixed on a base at the end of the 19th or beginning of the 20th century.
Total dimensions:
Height 11.5 cm
Width 15.7 cm
Depth 9 cm
The Antique sculpture is now kept at the Louvre Museum:
It was only purchased by Napoleon I in 1807 and was previously in Rome in the Borghese collection. It was very widely disseminated during the 17th and 18th centuries through numerous bronzes and engravings (cf. Pour l'Amour de l'Antique...).
Haskell, Francis; Penny, Nicholas, Pour l'Amour de l'Antique, la statuaire gréco-romaine et le goût européen, 1500-1900, Paris, 1981, pp. 302-304, cat. no. 146.