Fred Nall Hollis, known as Fred Nall, is a world-renowned American artist. He holds a degree in art, political science and psychology from the University of Alabama. In 197, he received the highest mark for admission to the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris. He was partly trained by Salvador Dali. Nall was inspired by many currents, but returned to black and white drawing. In 1976, he moved to Nice. In 1986, he bought Jean Dubuffet's former studio, where he began publishing his line engravings. At the same time, Patricia Cole, who had just married Fred Nall Hollis, bought the “Fondation Karolyi”, which served as an artists' residence in Vence and became the “NALL Art Association”.
The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, purchased NALL's work for a permanent exhibition. His entire collection of line engravings was acquired by the Musée des Beaux Arts de Nice. His Highness Prince Albert of Monaco commissioned NALL to create two flower mosaics for the Grimaldi Forum: these monumental works, measuring 5 m x 5 m, became Monaco's official postage stamp in December 2005. Nall's monumental “Peace Frame” sculpture now overlooks the port of Monaco, and another edition of his “Peace Frame” has been installed in a piazza in Pietrasanta, Tuscany, Italy. The “Peace Frame” installation also marked the start of an artist exchange between the town of Pietrasanta and the Tuscan region and state of Alabama. In 2007, Fred NALL was named Distinguished Artist of the Year by the Alabama State Arts Council.
Condition: very good despite some foxing. Note: a flaw in the paper's core, visible through light transparency, which makes it whiter in certain places at the top. Once framed, it is hardly noticeable.
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Signed: Nall (Fred Nall : 1948 - 2024)
Numbered: 18/99
Dedicated: “A Raph, merci pour les belles photos”.
Dimensions: Width 44.5 cm - Height 63.5 cm.
For information: the price indicated is without shipping.
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