"Presented Under Glass With Beautiful Starry Frame Collection Of Cameo Prints "grand Tour""
Remarkable collection of Cameos from the "Grand Tour" superbly framed under glass in a gilded wooden frame with a rich reserve in matt light grey lacquered wood with a scattering of five-pointed stars in gilded bronze and a pearled edge of the same material. This beautiful decorative and original set represents in terracotta and stuck Antique cameos of Gods and Goddesses of Greek & Roman Mythology; finely executed and of beautiful size with different light shades depending on the material, this beautiful and unique collection comes from a private Swiss fund and is covered with a number and the Ex-Libris of the Owner Amateur Archaeologist and scholar of the nobility. We see, Mercury, Zeus, Medusa &tc.. for this beautiful element of curiosity of Neo-Classical spirit. All in good condition