under helmet with the crest of a winged dragon holding a mace, a coat of arms in 3 quarters:
a raised serpent,
a dragon with a mace,
and an arrow between two flowers.
This coat of arms belonged to an emissary, (the translation is: informant, or perhaps prefect of a region), under Charles V for Eberstadt in Westphalia, as indicated around Roman capital letters.
(or other place, the names change in 5 centuries),
Nice engraving work, I left the wax fillings, picturesque on photo; No visible flaw.
Weight, 11gr, no hallmark.
We are in no way experts, but refund without worries in event of disappointment.
This item is for immediate purchase, payable by credit card or paypal.
- eclectic – antique dealers since 1970, Siret: FR 24.430113233. Invoice and Certificate are attached to each of our shipments.