The scene unfolds within a chicken coop in the countryside, where the painter gives ample space to the characters and activities that evoke the daily life of working on a farm. Few architectural elements are present in the background, as the focus is on the foreground, filled with animals and people. The artistic quality is remarkable, with a clever play of colors and lights that evoke a mixed impressionist and macchiaiola character. The brush strokes are broad, and the supremacy given to color over drawing expresses the artist's desire to highlight the spirit rather than the shape of things. This approach imbues the entire scene with expressive character and emotional depth.
The painting is accompanied by a beautiful gilded wooden frame, making it a piece that will certainly add value to your private collection and bring admiration from your guests.
Frame dimensions (cm):
Height: 43
Width: 57
Depth: 3
Work dimensions (cm):
Height: 15
Width: 29