"Maritime Goose Game 1917 - 1935 "
Rare original model of a game board on the theme of maritime exports around the world. At the 4 corners: Atlantic Ocean - Black Sea - Indian Ocean - the 4th corner is not determined. The squares represent the different countries of the world with for each: its flag - its name - its capital and its main port. Below the raw materials it exports. Penalty squares with the amount to pay: China Sea - Red Sea - Suez Canal - Dardanelles - Mediterranean - Gibraltar - Atlantic Ocean - North Sea - Panama Canal - Pacific Ocean. Stop squares (you pass your turn): shipwreck - storm - blockade - seizure - And 2 gain squares: Bonus - Rescue bonus. The presence of the USSR indicates that this game is from after 1917 and the flag of Germany indicates that it is from 1935 at the latest. 90 x 68 cm, folded into a rectangle of 34 x 22.5 cm I don't know if this game has been published, but it is certain that this model presents a great geo-political interest.