This exceptional work by Claude Texier, a renowned master pastellist, reveals all the depth and finesse of his art. Composed of subtle transparencies and delicate shadow plays, it captures the very essence of nostalgia and the passing of time.
40 X 58 without frame
55 x 73 with frame
signed lower right
The old bottles, rendered with remarkable precision and transparency, dialogue with the discreet vegetation, offering a striking contrast between the smooth glass and the organic softness of the plants. Each detail is carefully orchestrated to create a harmonious balance between light and dark, reinforcing the feeling of timelessness and restrained emotion. Texier's technical mastery shines through in every stroke of the pastel: the bursts of light on the glass, the silky textures of the shadows and the muted reflections reflect a unique sensitivity, testifying to the artist's visual intelligence and rare expertise. This pastel is much more than a simple still life: it is a true meditation on the passage of time, the ephemeral and fragile beauty of everyday life. A work of great quality.
CLAUDE TEXIER French, born in Morocco, she spent her first twenty years there. Its colors and light left a deep mark on her. Very early on, she learned and practiced drawing and painting. Followed by: a year at the School of Fine Arts in Avignon, then a school of advertising and fashion design in Paris. She then abandoned pencils and brushes to devote herself to her family and professional life. In 1994, wanting to take up drawing again, she took classes in a workshop in Versailles and discovered pastel, a technique that appealed to her and better suited the expression of her sensitivity. She began exhibiting in 1995. Her works have been awarded numerous prizes in the Paris region. These include, among others: Montesson, Osny, Le Vésinet, Le Chesnay, Colombes, Châtou, Rueil-Malmaison, HEC school, Mairie du Xème in Paris, etc. She has been a guest of honor at: Montesson, Le Pecq, Villennes-sur-Seine, Roissy en Brie, Naintré, Bueil, Mennecy, Giverny, Medan, L'Isle-Adam, La Londe, etc. She was recognized as a "Master Pastelist" in April 2000. In 2002 and 2003, she received an award at the annual exhibition of the "Pastel Society of America" in New York. In September 2005 she won the still life prize at the 10th anniversary exhibition of the PSEC (Pastel Society of Eastern Canada). She is a member of the Society "Art du Pastel en France" which welcomed her as a guest of honor alongside Christina Debarry at the International Pastel Exhibition in Giverny in April 2006. In September 2007 she was awarded an "Award" (Pastel Society of Tampa Bay) at the international pastel exhibition in New York, and obtained the title of "Master Pastelist PSA" (Pastel Society of America). In September 2010: 38th exhibition "Pastel Only" of the Pastel Society of America (NY) Claude Texier received the: "Ringwood Manor Association Award" In November 2011, at the international pastel exhibition in Montreal, she was recognized as "Master Pastelist PSEC" (Pastel Society of Eastern Canada)