"Remarkable Edition In 3 Volumes Aux Armes Des Rochechouart "a Sentimental Journey", Sterne .1783"
Work by the Writer Sterne (1713-1768) containing in the introduction a biography of the Author, then A Sentimental Jouney Through France and Italy comtlet in two volumes, is the 2nd edition and A Political Romance which was published after his death and of which this is the first edition was subsequently published under the title "History of Warm Watch. Coot. Three parts for this Author bound in a small volume in 12, full glazed tinted calf, smooth spine gilt fillets, red morocco title, covers with double framing fillet, beautiful Arms in the center of the Rochechouart Family. Paris: Printed by JGA Stoupe and sold by Théophilus Barrois, Bookseller, Quai des Augustins. M. DCC. LXXXIII. (1783). Published in English as it should be, this famous text which announces the Romanticism to come is complete and in good condition. A nice book in its original language....