"Beautiful Napoleon III Rectangular Box In Lemon Burl Rosewood Black Agate And Bronze"
Rare rectangular box with black agate implication of chiseled bronze in marquetry of lemon burl, rosewood and black lacquer. This beautiful piece is typical of the beautiful Parisian productions of the mid-19th century and served among other things as a scarf box. This one with three triangular florets comes from a Masonic lodge on its facade we can distinguish the three triangular star heads around the entrance ... Of lock. The tears in the corners like the bosses surrounded by bronze, the stylized fleur-de-lys has two heads on the top of a black lacquer enhancement with pretty chiseling; it has its key and a beautiful lock entry. The sides lined with rosewood forming the corners of the lid and emphasizing the base and brillants. Its interior is dressed in glossy yellow paper for more cleanliness. Perhaps secrets were hidden there... This piece in perfect condition is bright and very elegant with its contrasting black ornaments on yellow... The purest Napoleon III style, for this useful and decorative curiosity in very good original condition and of acceptable size...