"A. Jamak (xix-xx) - Letter From The Front!"
- Oil on canvas. - In a chilling scene of cinematic drama, the mother receives her son's letter from the war front. Although we do not know the news, the information causes great discomfort on the woman's face, which seems bathed in tears. This type of scenes, which hide a veiled and subtle criticism of the system under its domestic candor, are attributed to a current of tearful academicism that has triumphed throughout Europe since the last quarter of the 19th century, and although they are not revolutionary pamphlets in the least, They express a judgment issued by the artistic establishment towards certain social uses (L mass levy, situation of women, superstitions, lack of rights of industrial and agricultural workers ...) - Dimensions of the image without frame: 70 x 103 cm / 94 x 126 cm with a magnificent frame. - It comes from a private collection of paintings in Paris. - Good general condition. Minimal defects. - This painting is a unique, original and irreplaceable work of art. - Galerie Montbaron includes a technical sheet prepared by a qualified art historian with all its lots. This sheet is sent in digital format and on request.