The children are both wearing the same blue clothes with a wide white collar, only a year and a half separates them. They are sitting against each other on a small sofa called a pommier in french. Behind them a tall marble column is half hidden by a curtain and trimmings and gives this charming and intimate scene a more aristocratic side that suits the Courtarvels better.
René (1830-1848) and his brother Ludovic, future Marquis de Courtarvel (1832-1894) are the children of the Marquis Claude René César de Courtarvel (1761-1849) politician, deputy of Eure et Loire, peer of France, general officer and of Aliénor Louise Calixte de Becdelièvre (1807-1893).
The castle of Lierville is in Verdes between Chartres and Blois and was the castle of Admiral de Coligny. It also belonged to the couturier Jean-Claude Jitrois who had set up his workshops there before being abandoned. It was recently bought and partially restored as well as its park.
Oil on canvas in very good condition, gilded wood and stucco frame, small period cartel.
Frame 51x41 cm