"French Septet From The Second Half Of The 1800s, Louis XVI Style, In Mahogany Wood"
French septet from the second half of the 1800s, Louis XVI style, in mahogany wood. It has bronze vents and a black marble top; pointed legs. there are no vents missing in the photo. Origin: France Period: second half of the 1800s Style: Louis XVI Dimensions: 69x39x139h cm Code: 10802 Visit our website www.centromercatoantiquariato.it +39 3469410359 Email: customer@centromercatoantiquariato.it Product link: https://www .centromercatoantiquariato.it/it/mobili-antichi-ed-antiquariato/2583-settimino-inglese-del-1800-stile-luigi-xvi.html Buy safely in our shop with PayPal