"Mixtec Stone Amulet 1300 To 1521 Ad - Pre-columbian - Aztec Art"
Carved amulet of the rain god Tlaloc, crouched in a mummiform position, his oversized hands symbolically placed on his knees, The facial expression is accentuated by the large circular eyes personifying the deity. Carved and polished hard stone (calcite), biconical carrying holes on the back, slight surface wear and marks of time, good general condition of conservation, see photos. Mixteque, 1300 to 1521 AD Dimensions: 4.3 X 2.9 X 1.4 cm Provenance: Old American collection formed in the 1970s, Arteprimitivo sale, NY Sold with certificate of authenticity from the expert Serge Reynes Guarantee of origin and period. * Shipping costs on estimate