Oil on canvas
Signed lower right
Dimensions: 61 x 50 cm
With frame: 79 x 69 cm
Our painting can be compared with the “Bird in a Cage” in the Bucharest Art Museum.
Eustatiu Stoenescu, a Romanian painter of great talent and sensitivity.
Eustatiu Grigori Stoenescu was only a fleeting presence in the artistic milieu of interwar Romania.
A member of the social elite, surrounded by an aura of mystery and poetic elegance, he became a remarkable portraitist whose models were the personalities of the time.
Eustache Grégoire Stoenescu, gradually detached himself from any influence, building a highly personal style.
Subtle light and color harmony for this indoor-outdoor scene in Paris.
Eustatiu Grigori Stoenescu offers us a view from the window of a Parisian apartment.
A subdued white light streams through the window. The work is remarkable for the subtlety of its subdued tones in bluish gray, beige and light brown, and its light touch.
Eustache Grégoire Stoenescu, from his Romanian name Eustatiu Grigori Stoenescu, born in Craiova and died in New York, is a Romanian painter.
He discovered He first became interested in painting at the age of 15, when the French painter Léopold Durangel came to his parents' home to paint a portrait of his mother.
After visiting the Nicolae Grigorescu Retrospective Exhibition, inaugurated in 1897 in Bucharest at the Romanian Athenaeum, he irreversibly decided to follow the same path.
When he was only sixteen, he left for Paris with Nicolae Titulescu, the future Minister of Foreign Affairs, who was studying law in Paris at the time. Stoenescu attended the Académie Julien and the École nationale des beaux-arts, where Camil Ressu, Jean Al. Steriadi, S. Mützner, Nicolae Dărăscu were his colleagues and Jean-Paul Laurens his teacher. His aristocratic background and perfect education helped him adapt to the severe formal climate and academic norms and rules.
He made his debut in Paris, at the Société des artistes français, and in Craiova, at the exhibition of the “Theodor Aman” Art Society. It was then that he began to paint portraits of numerous cultural, artistic and political personalities, such as Professor Jean Paul Laurens, the painter Stefan Popescu and others.
From 1906, a series of exhibitions followed, the first at the Salon Officiel de Paris, followed by the Jeunesse Artistique and the Jubilee Exhibition, where he won the gold medal.
His exhibitions at the Salon Officiel de Paris became regular until 1911.
He participated in several exhibitions at Galerie Charpentier and at at the Bernheim Gallery in Paris.
He also exhibited abroad, in Venice, Craïova, Bucharest, Antwerp, London and in the United States in New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Cleveland and Pittsburgh.
In 1936, Eustatiu Stoenescu was appointed professor of painting at the Bucharest Academy of Fine Arts. In 1941, he became rector of the Academy of Arts.
Other exhibitions:
•1914 - Salon officiel de Paris, son tableau "Petit déjeuner" reçoit la Médaille d'Argent.
•1915 - " Jeunesse Artistique ", expose dix tableaux
•1915 - Salon Officiel de Paris, obtient la Médaille de première classe pour le Portrait de la poétesse Elena Văcărescu, avec Ștefan Luchian
•1916 - Salon officiel à Paris et "Jeunesse Artistique".
•1920 - Salon d'Automne de Paris. expose les tableaux « Bourse de Paris », « Portrait de la duchesse d'Uzès »
•1921 - Galerie MMBernheim - Jeune de Paris, exposition personnelle
•1922 - Salon officiel de Paris, expose "Portrait de la baronne Levavasseur" et "Portrait du comte Chasigne"
•Anvers ( Belgique ), est présente à une exposition de dix tableaux.
• Athénée roumain, exposition avec Ion Jalea et Clara Sulzer.
•1923 - Craiova, exposition personnelle
•1924 - Biennale de Venise, exposition "Portrait gouvernance Kinst Amelia (Vieux)" "Portrait peintre Stephen Popoescu" "Portrait peintre Jean-Paul Laurens' et vues de Venise.
•1925 - Salon officiel à Paris, expose "Portrait du peintre Jean-Paul Laurens". Son tableau a été acheté par l'État français.•1926 - Craiova, l'exposition du cercle artistique Olt (dont il fut président d'honneur).
•1926 - Galerie Jean Charpanrier à Paris, exposition personnelle.
• 1927 - Salle "Ileana" Bucarest, une exposition personnelle.•1928 - Salon officiel à Paris, à la Biennale de Venise et à la "Jeunesse Artistique".
•1930 - New York - Durand Ruel Gallery et Sterner Gallery, exposition personnelle
•1931 - Salon officiel à Paris et a une nouvelle exposition personnelle à Bucarest. Il peint le "Portrait de l'avocat Alexandrescu".
• 1932 - Salon officiel à Paris, expose "Portrait d'artiste".
• 1937 - L'Exposition Universelle de Paris, obtient "Le Grand Prix".
•1940 - Salon officiel à Paris, "Jeunesse Artistique" et troisième exposition de l'Association "Art".
• 1942 - Le Salon Officiel de Bucarest obtient le Prix National de peinture.
• 1943 - 1945 - L'exposition "Oltenia Week" à Craiova, les Salons Officiels et les expositions de l'Association "Art".
•1946 - Exposition de l'Association "Art".
•1947 - Exposition de l'Association "Art" de Bucarest.
• Paris , Musées d’Orsay, musée du louvre , musée jeu de paume
• Bucarest, musée d’Art
• Chicago, musée d’Art
• Cleveland, musée of art
• San Francisco