"Martigues Market Table By Merio Ameglio."
Oil painting on panel by Merio Ameglio representing a market view in Martigues at the beginning of the century. Very interesting painting of high quality evoking a lively scene in front of the church of the Madeleine in Martigues. Signature lower right and situation of the painting on the back. Merio Ameglio, 1897 1970, was an endearing and talented artist who was born in Italy and remained attached to the south of France where he lived during his childhood. He lived in Paris on Montmartre where he had his studio and exhibited in Parisian galleries in Cannes Nice Menton. Here a very well treated living work evoking a bright scene of Provence. Possibility of sending in France and around the world by secure and insured package. Invoice and certificate provided. Dimensions of the frame 38 by 46 cm.