The photographs were taken with the glass.
Roger Thomas (Angleur, 1912- Liège, 1978).
Belgian engraver, designer, author. Trained at the Academy of Liège with Jean Donnay. Perfected his skills in wood engraving with M. Brocas. Exhibited at the Salon du Centenaire de la Société Royale des Beaux-Arts in Liège in 1933. Participated in the revival of Liège engraving with Jean Donnay (1897-1992), Georges Comhaire (1909) and Emile Hougardy (1899-1981). They maintained the practice of the fine craft and the love of literary culture. Many of Roger Thomas' works were exhibited at the 1993 exhibition at the Musée Moderne in Liège, "La gravure liègeoise de 1945 à nos jours". After his death, his work was bequeathed to the Cabinet des Estampes in Liège.