Beautiful antique painting depicting the Crucifixion of St. Peter
Epoch 1600s
Original and coeval frame
Size: In frame H 102 x W 134.5 / Canvas H 88 x W 118 cm
This 17th-century antique painting depicts the Crucifixion of St. Peter and represents a dramatic and intense moment in Christian iconography. St. Peter is portrayed in the center of the scene, his naked body being prepared for crucifixion. The saint, in an uncomfortable and suffering position, is depicted in the act of being nailed upside down, as requested by himself because he did not consider himself worthy to die in the same way as Jesus Christ. The composition is dominated by contrasts of light and shadow, typical of seventeenth-century Baroque and chiaroscuro painting. Light is skillfully used to illuminate St. Peter's muscular body, emphasizing its tension and emotional intensity, while the figures of the executioners are shrouded in deeper shadows, almost emerging from the darkness. The twisting of the bodies and the tense expression of the executioners help make the scene extremely dynamic and dramatic. The original frame, coeval with the painting, adds authenticity and historical value to the work, placing it in a context of devotion and worship typical of the period.