18 x 14 unframed
30 x 27 with frame
The characteristic iconographic elements of Saint Francis in this work include: 1. The luminous halo: It symbolizes holiness and underlines the spiritual closeness of the saint with God. 2. The stigmata: Present on his hands and side, they evoke the wounds of Christ, reinforcing the mystical identification between Saint Francis and Jesus. 3. The brown robe and the cord: The brown robe illustrates humility and poverty, while the cord tied at three points represents the Franciscan vows: poverty, chastity and obedience. 4. The crucifix: In his right hand, it symbolizes his connection with the Passion of Christ and his religious devotion. 5. The tonsure: The haircut, typical of religious people, reflects the renunciation of worldly vanities. 6. The gentle and contemplative expression: It conveys a deep spirituality and sincere compassion. This oil on copper, with its format and meticulous details, was probably intended for private devotion. The technical mastery and the emotion it conveys make it a precious and beautiful work, an example of 18th century Spanish religious art.
Very beautiful Toledan-style frame.
A cartouche on the frame indicating FRANCK (Francis in German), this painting comes from a German collection.