"Supplement In Folio, 1728 To The Historical And Critical Dictionary Of The Bible By Dom Aug. Calm"
Beautiful in folio in glazed calf, spine ribbed and decorated with irons in the compartments, title and volume number in red morocco, marbled edges, two-color title containing the supplement from A to L. In Paris (third volume) at Emery, at Saint Benoit; Saugrain Père, at the Fleur de Lys and Pierre Martin, at the Ecu de France; Quai des Augustins. M DCC. XXVIII. (1728). Beautiful copy of this explanation of the Historical, critical, chronological, geographical and literal Dictionary of the Bible... By the Reverend Father Dom Augustin Calmet; Benedictine monk, Abbot of Senones. This copy contains a double plate on the different crucifixions text in two columns