The size of this dagger is impressive, with its 44 cm long blade. These large daggers were designed to be used in combat, particularly by the soldiers of the "tercios", these formidable units of the Spanish infantry (see the reproduction of the painting).
It is obvious that given the quality of its manufacture, this dagger was not the weapon of a simple soldier. These daggers were either simply called "left hands", or "vizcainas" (Biscayan) or even "quita penas" (= relieves pain, that is to say "shortens suffering") with a certain touch of black humor...
BLADE: it is massive and richly decorated. It begins with a 5 cm ricasso, bordered with notches intended to block an opposing blade. On the inner face of this ricasso, we find the hollow intended to support the thumb. After this ricasso we find four holes called "rompe puntas" (= blade breakers) the presence of 4 holes instead of the usual 2 is extremely rare.
Then the dagger has a sharp edge to the point and on the other side a back which has several notches and various reliefs intended to block a blade. Then the back ends with a counter-edge on the last 19 cm near the point
The balance of the weapon is excellent since the balance point is 1 cm from the cross guard. Blade length = 44.8 cm, width at the ricasso = 4.5 cm, thickness at the ricasso = 6.4 mm
GUARD: It is made up of two parts: the cross and the sail
The cross is very large, straight, perpendicular to the axis of the weapon. The twisted quillons end with baluster buttons. On this cross is riveted the sail.
The sail is made of thick steel, it is made of a regular geometric openwork, the multiple holes of which are intended for use as point breakers. This presence of "rompe puntas" pierced on a sail is very rare. The sail ends, under the pommel, at the level of the tang of the blade which crosses it. This very solid assembly confirms the destination of this weapon for combat.
POMMEL: It is in the shape of a twisted turban and ends with a small button on which the tang of the blade is riveted.
GRIP it is twisted, covered with a complex filigree of copper and brass, with complicated wire binding, chevrons, smooth wire and twisted wire binding of larger diameter. This fbinding is in perfect condition. The grip ends at each end with a steel ferrule, as is usual on Hispanic left-hand daggers.
In conclusion, it is a strong dagger intended for combat, of a particularly unusual model.
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Ref DX-2462