(Senlis, 1815 – Villiers-le-Bel, 1879)
Meeting of Romantic artists
Oil on paper
H. 30 cm; W. 40 cm
Around 1835-1840
More than a view (or portrait) of a romantic interior, somewhat frozen and without characters, as there are many, our work represents a meeting of romantic artists in a simple (straw and mismatched chairs) but comfortable setting, probably under the roof. The meal has just finished, and the guests are now mobilized for other activities: relighting the fire, making coffee, chatting in a relaxed manner, playing music, … and smoking!
The general, somewhat unbridled, even decadent atmosphere (which we find in Le souper à la Maison d'or), the profiles, the marked contours, the slightly grainy touch, particularly in the whites (very bright), made us think of an early work by Thomas Couture, which the artist's specialist does not confirm.