Exceptional Book 1631: "study Of Hieroglyphs" Ioannis Piery" From The Vatican Library flag

Exceptional Book 1631: "study Of Hieroglyphs" Ioannis Piery" From The Vatican Library
Exceptional Book 1631: "study Of Hieroglyphs" Ioannis Piery" From The Vatican Library-photo-2
Exceptional Book 1631: "study Of Hieroglyphs" Ioannis Piery" From The Vatican Library-photo-3
Exceptional Book 1631: "study Of Hieroglyphs" Ioannis Piery" From The Vatican Library-photo-4
Exceptional Book 1631: "study Of Hieroglyphs" Ioannis Piery" From The Vatican Library-photo-1
Exceptional Book 1631: "study Of Hieroglyphs" Ioannis Piery" From The Vatican Library-photo-2
Exceptional Book 1631: "study Of Hieroglyphs" Ioannis Piery" From The Vatican Library-photo-3
Exceptional Book 1631: "study Of Hieroglyphs" Ioannis Piery" From The Vatican Library-photo-4
Exceptional Book 1631: "study Of Hieroglyphs" Ioannis Piery" From The Vatican Library-photo-5
Exceptional Book 1631: "study Of Hieroglyphs" Ioannis Piery" From The Vatican Library-photo-6
Exceptional Book 1631: "study Of Hieroglyphs" Ioannis Piery" From The Vatican Library-photo-7
Exceptional Book 1631: "study Of Hieroglyphs" Ioannis Piery" From The Vatican Library-photo-8

Object description :

"Exceptional Book 1631: "study Of Hieroglyphs" Ioannis Piery" From The Vatican Library"
"An exceptional double provenance and a very rare subject; a rare large volume in 4 in richly decorated red morocco from the rich and precious Library of Levoyer d'Argenson, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Louis XV and father of Bibliophilia (Ex-Libris with arms) and from (No. 1472) annotated inventory of the precious and untouchable "Bibliotéca Apostolica Vaticana", a rare museum piece purchased at the time at the Château des Ormes, retreat of the Minister who devoted himself to the love of books and his buying frenzy which allowed him thanks to his career to acquire rare works (especially after the disgrace of the King caused by the Marquise de Pompadour. A unique work in a binding with covers with frames in the Du-Seuil style, with the religious emblem in the center. The framing friezes are remarkable for their richness and elegance with great application, the spine decorated with gilded friezes and rosettes likewise, the edges are gilded for this extremely rare work by IOANNI PIERII Valériani Bellvnensis "HIEROGLYPHICA", sive of Sacris Aegytiorvm, aliarumq gentium litters, Commetario Libri LVIII (58). cum duobus alijs eruditissimo annexis. Editio novissima, variis veterum & recentiorum Hieroglyphicis adornata; pluribus item eiusdem Pierii opusculis & tractatibus noiter iocupletata; quorum elenchum sequens pagina indicat. Access marginal annotations with necessary indices. A Coloniae Aggripinae, Ex Officina Hieratorum. FF. Anno MDC XXXI. (1631), from the reign of Louis XIII. for this book which has suffered traces of water and which is complete and reaches us with its remarkable woodcuts in the text very numerous and so loaded with mysticism. I repeat a beautiful magical book and of a prestigious double provenance . " Les Hiéroglyphes de Pierus est le nom courant de la traduction Française d'un ouvrage de l'Humaniste "Pitro Valériano , publié à Bâle en 1556 , sous le titre : "Hieroglyphica sive de Sacris Aegytiorum literis commentarii Ionnais Pierii Valériani Bolzanii Bellunensis . ..../ Traduit en Français par Ioanne de Montlyard il sera régulièrement publié entre 1576 et 1631 ( notre exemplaire ...) sous le titre de Commentaires Hieroglyphiques . Dans ce livre on trouve l'expression et la symbolique des nombres exprimés par la position des doigts de la main . 1 s'exprime par le repli du petit doigt , pouce ouvert index et majeur lié , annuaire délié de la main ;  2 s'exprime par le repli du petit doigt et de l'annuaire liés , pouce ouvert index , majeur et annuaire déliés de la main ; 3 s'exprime par le repli du petit doigt majeur , annuaire et majeur déliés , pouce ouvert index tendu de la main  ; 10 s'exprime par le repli sur le pouce de l'index en rond , les autres doigts sont ouverts liés de la main gauche .  Mais le même geste fait de la main droite signifie 1000. On y trouve aussi la symbolique iconographique des plantes et des animaux . Ce code a été utilisé par le peintre Philippe de Champaigne qui possédait l'édition Française de 1615 : " les Hiéroglyphes de Ian Pierre Valérian , vulgairement nommé Pierus , autrement commentaires des lettres et figures sacrées des Aegypiens et autres nations , nouvellement donnez aux Français par I de Motlyard ....
Price: 4 800 €
Artist: Ioanni Pierii
Period: 17th century
Style: Renaissance, Louis 13th
Condition: En l'etat

Material: Leather
Width: 8 cm
Height: 25 cm
Depth: 20 cm

Reference: 1444396

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"Old Books, Renaissance, Louis 13th"

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Antiquaire du Vallon
Livres anciens et objets de curiosités
Exceptional Book 1631: "study Of Hieroglyphs" Ioannis Piery" From The Vatican Library

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