"A Page From The Kalpa-sutra "
This is a page from the holy book of Jainism, the Kalpa-Sutra, an Indian religion founded around the 6th century BC, still practiced by around ten million followers, depicting in the margin of the text a representation of the Mahariva (the master). This religious movement is based on a series of vows and asceticism. The miniature representing the Mahariva is made with gold leaf and bright colors. The iconography dates back to the 15th century, but it is difficult for me, not being a specialist, to date this object perfectly. The quality of the work suggests that this is a truly ancient page, far from the tourist trade. One cannot help but think of the proximity of this layout to the pages decorated with illuminations in Europe at the same time. The page has been framed since the 1960s with a neat passe-partout covered in blue silk