""toto". Portrait Of A Dog. Albert Lynch. Peru. "
Born into a family originally from Peru, Albert Lynch's place of birth is uncertain, between Trujillo, Lima or even Germany. The same is true for his date of birth and also his date of death which varies according to the sources. Albert Lynch, husband of Victoria Bacouel was the son of Diego Lynch and Adélaïde Koeffler. Albert Lynch settled in Paris where he enrolled at the École de beaux-arts. He then worked in the studios of the painters Jules Noël, Gabriel Ferrier and Henri Lehmann. He exhibited his paintings at the Salon des Artistes Français, he was rewarded in 1890 and 1892 as well as at the Universal Exhibition of 1900, on the occasion of which he received a gold medal. The characteristics of the artist's works are large feminine and worldly compositions, such as Young Women Taking Tea from the Lima Museum of Art. The women of his time were his favourite subject, which he painted in oil, pastel and gouache. He illustrated books such as La Dame aux camélias by Alexandre Dumas fils, Le Père Goriot by Honoré Balzac and La Parisienne by Henry Becque. At the end of his life, Albert Lynch lived in the principality of Monaco. The painting is located in Lima, Peru.