Rare Carved Wooden Warrior's Staff
With traces of polychromy,
Hollowed out on the back, and showing the face
Three-quarter angle…
The attached object is a carved wooden statue, probably of ancient origin, which appears to represent a male or female figure in a formal posture.
Material: Solid wood, weathered by time, with traces of polychromy or old pigments, indicating that it was probably painted or decorated.
Technique: Hand-carved, with characteristic details such as drapery suggesting clothing or accessories.
Posture and details:
The figure holds an object (perhaps symbolic) in his right hand.
Elements around the neck resemble ornaments or necklaces, suggesting a special status or religious/cultural significance.
The style, marked by a certain naivety in the execution, could be associated with sculptures of popular or religious tradition.
Some features, such as the shape of the ornaments and the proportions, could suggest a link with a non-Western culture, possibly African or South American.
16th century Tribal work.
Of tribal origin, it could represent an ancestor, a divinity or a mythological character used in ritual ceremonies
Dimensions: height 51 cm, width 20 cm.
A very rare piece in very good condition!
Very careful shipping
#WoodSculpture #AncientArt #Antiquity #CulturalHeritage #HistoryOfArt #LiturgicalObject #PopularArt #TribalArt