"Clock With The Effigy Of The Poet Virgil, Signed Cailly 1840"
Large Louis-Philippe period clock circa 1840, signed on the inner plate of the "Cailly" clock mechanism referenced in the Tardy, dictionary of French clockmakers. Architecture in patinated bronze and mercury-gilded bronze with gold, large patinated bronze sculpture of the Latin poet Virgil dressed in a drapery, seated, holding a stylus in one hand, in the other he holds a tablet with the inscription "les géorgiques lénéïde" referring to the praise of the Italian countryside and agriculture.
Silvered and guiloche bronze dial protected by a gilded bezel, set with a glass next to it rests a finely worked lyre. Rectangular base whose facade is decorated with a large frieze with musical attributes, surrounded by a crown and palmette.
Original mechanism without modification, wire suspension, striking the hours and half hours on an old bell.