Magnificent bronze statue, signed “A. Mercié” and created by the renowned Barbedienne foundry, also bearing the “Réduction Collas” mark. This exceptional piece, with its rich brown patina, showcases the unparalleled talent of one of the greatest French sculptors of the 19th century.
Created in 1869 while Mercié was a resident at the French Academy in Rome, this David boldly reinterprets the biblical episode of the young shepherd’s victory over the giant Goliath. Drawing inspiration from the great masters of the Florentine Renaissance, such as Donatello and Verrocchio, Mercié imbues his work with timeless elegance and remarkable sculptural power.
Presented at the Salon after the Franco-Prussian War of 1870, this sculpture achieved immense acclaim, celebrated for the grace of its pose, the precision of its modeling, and its patriotic symbolism. It became a symbol of hope for France’s revenge against Prussia, standing as a true emblem of national and artistic resilience.